Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Berber Food Summary

Achraf Krafssi Berber Food

Berber Food is very important to the moroccan culture. It has it’s own way to be cooked, own ingredients, and spices. Couscous and Tajine are examples of Berber Food.

Couscous is usually eaten at lunch and dinner and should always be warm and with the vegetable sauce. Couscous is put in the pyramid shaped tajine pot. Couscous is made out of wheat grains, vegetables and meat. Now, Couscous is known all around the world but people are changing the couscous from the tradition. For example: Pork shouldn’t be put in couscous or in any other berber food.

Tajine could be made with many ingredients. For example: Tajine with lamb and plums, Tajine with chicken, Tajine with tuna, and tajine with pigeon. Like couscous it is eaten at lunch and dinner and put in a tajine pot.

Berber Food is cooked traditionally in a mud oven made with cow manure. It is warmed with trees found in the area and for special times they have charcoal. When the food is ready to be served, they put it in a tajine pot for decorations. The tajine pot is made out of clay and usually is painted with designs.

Spices are very important to each berber dish. If there is no spices in a dish then it is not berber. It is one of the most important ingredient. The most used spices are cinnamon, and cardamon. Spices are added to dishes just for taste.

In conclusion, we need to leave berber food because if I ask an American about Morocco he will say directly there is couscous and tajine which is Berber. If berber culture becomes instinct then berber food will be instinct too. As an effect, Morocco won’t be known as much as today.